The Gaslighting of Pro-Life

Joy Anne Baker
1 min readNov 29, 2019




People who’re “pro-life” have been gaslighted, brainwashed into believing abortion is killing a life. It isn’t about “life” and never has been. The argument about when a zygote/fetus is “alive” has always been a lie.

What anti-abortion is factually about is the continued, determined ownership of women. It’s the last vestige of slavery and people need to understand that this is what it’s all about: slavery of women.

There’s a reason why rape is treated like a lower-tiered “felony” with a statute of limitations. Rapists rarely get prison time while women in Mississippi & elsewhere are being arrested for having *miscarriages*.

There’s a reason why anti-abortion has included birth control, which is the basic human right of a woman owning control of her own body. Insecure men and brainwashed women don’t want women to control their own sexuality.

You are free to believe whatever the hell you want. But you need to pull your head out of your ass if you’ve bought into the lie about “pro-life.” This isn’t about LIFE. It’s about CONTROL.



Joy Anne Baker

Veteran, Artist, Writer, Wiccan, and Progressive pain in the asset.