PSA: Vape Hysteria Has Become Law

Joy Anne Baker
1 min readDec 21, 2019


The Massachusetts 2019 Tobacco Control Law

Public Service Announcement

Due to the blatant LIES about flavored e-liquid, and a very narrow scope on a 3 1/2 month investigation …

The new Massachusetts law (written by establishment Dems in control of the legislature, and signed into law by a Republican governor) now restricts vaping/smoking ***flavored*** nicotine (including menthol cigarettes and flavored small cigars) to *Smoking Bars* … which ***There Are Few***.

I repeat: There are few. It’s on par with abortion clinics in Red states.

Buying flavored e-liquid online is now prohibited since it’s not controlled and restricted to non-existent Smoking Bars.

What this does is force everyone addicted to nicotine (especially those preferring flavored versions) to go thru massive withdrawal.


Forces users to buy (unless you’re on Medicaid) Nicotine products such as gum, patches, and inhalers.

Note that the inhaler (for any medicine + nicotine) is the first-ever VAPE-Style product since you’re inhaling a liquid mist.

This is a scam forced by lawmakers who take bribes from Pharmaceutical corporations.

Records show that Big Pharma is the TOP political “donor” for all politicians who accept bribes. These are legalized bribes, which began with 2 Supreme Court decisions in 1978/79 and capped in 2010 with Citizens United.

Some may say, “doesn’t matter, politicians still work for us”. Only Progressives work for us. Everyone else who takes corporate donations works for them, not us. Corporations do NOT engage in charity. They consider their “donations” as an investment and demand a return on that investment.



Joy Anne Baker

Veteran, Artist, Writer, Wiccan, and Progressive pain in the asset.