“Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice”

Joy Anne Baker
2 min readMar 8, 2020


About “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice”:

These are stances invented by Sexist commentators, pundits, & politicians aimed to steer you away from the real issue: Control & Ownership.

When you see a bunch of “pro-life” protestors outside a Women’s Clinic(or Congress/Supreme Court), and you see women trying to ignore them as they go to their appointments (3% only go for abortions), what’s the first thing that comes to mind if you’re inclined to confront the protestors?

Answer: To argue their point. You’re being put on the defensive.

But that’s not the true answer when confronting these people. You Do Not Use Their Framing or Their Argument.

You say, “You’re being brainwashed. This isn’t about Life and it never has been. This is about Slavery of women. It’s about being kept as Property, as Chattel. You have no business telling a woman that she has no Right To Her Own Body. We are Not Slaves. We are Not Property. We are Not Chattel.”

When the “life of a fetus” is thrown at you, counter it with a list of pro-death examples, starting with the hundreds of thousands of homeless children, abused children, & trafficked children, & asking why they’re not protesting at Congress about these very real crimes. You go prepared to throw their argument into the toilet.

If pictures are thrown at you, ask, “Who’s the woman? What happened to her?”

The issue isn’t about the life of a fetus. It’s about the slavery & control of women.

And then you go on your way, regardless of the outcome. You’ve said what the real issue is. It isn’t up to you to turn them to your side. It’s up to them to be deprogrammed.



Joy Anne Baker

Veteran, Artist, Writer, Wiccan, and Progressive pain in the asset.