Hell is For Detained Children

Joy Anne Baker
1 min readSep 14, 2019

(No apologies for changing the song)

They cry in the light, and you can see their tears
They can’t hide in the dark, despite all their fears
Forgiveness isn’t there, all the while
Despair and pain become all they know
In the eyes of a detained child

Because Hell, Hell is for children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell, hell is for children
And they shouldn’t have to pay for freedom
With their bones and their flesh

It’s all so outrageous, this brutal detainment
They blacken their eyes, with none to apologize
Be a good boy or girl, and don’t you dare stare
Be a good boy or girl, or you’ll only get it worse
Tell visitors you fell down the stairs

Because Hell, Hell is for children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell, hell is for children
And they shouldn’t have to pay for freedom
With their bones and their flesh
Because Hell is for children



Joy Anne Baker

Veteran, Artist, Writer, Wiccan, and Progressive pain in the asset.